CFP - 2017 The Child and the Book: Interdisciplinary Links between Children's Literature and the Arts

The Child and the Book: Interdisciplinary Links between Children's Literature and the Arts
30 March -1 April 2017
Teachers' Training Faculty, University of Valencia, Spain

The links between the different arts have always been very strong throughout history. The Renaissance’s Man is probably an archetype. Nevertheless, other examples like the tight relationship between artists during the Avant-Garde period show that the disconnection is very recent. This circumstance is probably related to that fact that arts have been included in scholarly studies, which has led to their specialisation. As a result, the different arts have been studied in isolated academic spaces without any relation among them. In addition, students have been very often deprived of seeing art as a whole. Many artistic manifestations have still included the interdisciplinary use of arts as a main expressive resource. This is the case of opera, the so-called global art, but also cinema or animation are current examples of a combination of arts.

For specialised critics Children’s Literature has always been considered a privileged field of study since it includes many different manifestations of artistic expression. Picturebooks are one of the most prominent ones, but then current multimedia devices have increased considerably the variety of supports and also resources linked to Children’s Literature that interact simultaneously.

The proposal for the 2017 edition of The Child and the Book Conference aims at exploring these issues. The main topic would be the relationship between Children’s Literature and Music, Fine Arts and other kind of artistic expressions.

Specific topics that we want to address include:

  • The relationship of music, fine arts and other kind of artistic expressions with children’s literature
  • Adaptations, intermediality, trans-mediality, cross-mediality
  • Animation and films for children and young adults
  • Opera, folktales and children’s literature
  • Fine arts and picture books
  • Ekphrasis in children’s books
  • New methodological approaches in the interdisciplinary use of arts in children’s literature

Papers will be up to 20 minutes long to allow short discussions in every session. You should respect as much as possible the topics of the conference. All the seminar rooms where the lectures will be carried out are fully equipped with AVA facilities, Powerpoint, internet etc.

How to apply:
Please send an abstract of 300- 500 words maximum to clearly stating:

  • The topic(s) you are working under regarding those listed above
  • An outline of your paper clearly stating the line of argument
  • Your name and surname
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your institution
  • A short biography of 50-100 words giving your name, institutional affiliation, one or two publications

Please, indicate if you are a junior researcher (master or PhD student, researchers who finished their PhD less than 7 years ago). Since The Child and the Book is a junior-researchers-focused conference, this category of scholars will be prioritised, although everybody is invited to send a proposal. In order to keep the conference small in size, we will not accept more than one presentation per person.

This is a three-day conference and it is expected that presenters will stay as long as possible in order to facilitate the contact and discussion with other participants. Please indicate if you are able to stay for the three days of the conference.

We intend to implement a program of couch-surfing addressed mainly to students in order to minimize costs for participants, and promote the cultural exchange between the students of our faculty and other people from abroad. Please, let us know if you would like to use this option.

Important dates:

The deadline for abstracts is November 28, 2016.
Notification of acceptance: December 24, 2016


CFP - Encounters of the Playful Kind: Children’s Literature and Intergenerational Relationships


Expression of Interest for Editor(s) of Papers: Explorations into Children’s Literature