Expression of Interest for Editor(s) of Papers: Explorations into Children’s Literature

The Australasian Children’s Literature Association for Research (ACLAR) invites applications for the editorship of Papers: Explorations into Children’s Literature to run for a period of four years from July 2016. Current editors, Professor Clare Bradford and Professor Kerry Mallan, intend to step down from this role at that point, but will work with the incoming editor(s) during a transition period.

Papers is Australia’s premier children’s literature journal. It publishes two issues each year, which include six or seven scholarly essays on all aspects of children’s literature and related media. It also publishes occasional review essays of recent books on children’s literature. An Editorial Board of international scholars provides support for the review of submissions to Papers. The opportunity to develop and expand the Editorial Board will be open to the new Editor(s).

Papers is a fully peer-reviewed journal. The journal is published at, and is currently updated using Dreamweaver by a volunteer. The incoming editorial team will need to provide their own technical manager and support, as the current website manager will be resigning the position with the change of editorial management. A detailed handover will be available for the incoming team.

Papers is supported by ACLAR, in the form of funding for webhosting, promotion through its website and conferences, and access to membership for seeking volunteers and reviewers.

Duties of Editor(s), Papers:

  • Appointing associate editors to help with the editorial work
  • Reviewing manuscripts; appointing referees; working with authors as they revise; editing; proofreading; and corresponding with authors and referees
  • Appointing and working with guest editors for special issues
  • Appointing and liaising with copy-editor/website manager
  • Reporting to ACLAR Board as required
  • Promoting Papers through indexing, publicity and outreach to scholars
  • Publishing two issues per year (July/Nov approximately)

Selection Criteria:

  • Experience as a scholar and editor, with a sound understanding of children’s and young adult literature scholarship
  • Capacity to work proactively in order to advance the journal’s interests
  • Capacity to set and maintain timelines and schedules
  • Experience in communicating with authors and referees
  • Capacity to provide suitable technical support for the layout, uploading, and publishing aspects of journal
  • It is also highly desirable that editors have institutional backing to take on this role; preferably time release to focus on the role, access to a university library, clerical and technical assistance.

Expressions of Interest are invited from individuals or editorial teams. Please consider the above Duties and selection criteria in making the decision to submit a formal application.

Formal applications (which will be invited following the receipt of EOI’s) will be due by August 31, 2016 and will require the submission of:

  • A full curriculum vitae for each individual in a primary editorial position
  • A detailed response to each of the selection criteria above
  • Statements of support as appropriate from institutions / faculties / research centres named in the application
  • A brief outline of how you see the journal developing over the course of your editorship, should you be awarded the position

Please forward your EOI by email to: ACLAR President, Dr Anthony Eaton ( no later than 30 July 2016.

If you require further information about the role please contact: Professor Clare Bradford ( or Professor Kerry Mallan (


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