
Access to relevant journals is central to effective research. The list below provides basic information about the major children's literature journals known and used by members of the board.

This information now also includes the open access/self-archiving policies for each journal, where known. These policies are based on the colour system defined by Sherpa RoMEO:

RoMEO Colour Archiving policy
Green Can archive pre-print and post-print or publisher's version/PDF
Blue Can archive post-print (i.e., final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF
Yellow Can archive pre-print (i.e., pre-refereeing)
White Archiving not formally supported

In addition to the Sherpa RoMEO system, there is a category of gold open access, which means that a publication is immediately provided in open access mode by the publisher. Costs are shifted from readers to the university or research institute to which the researcher is affiliated, or to the funding agency supporting the research. In some cases, article processing charges are implemented.

If you know of other journals that should be included in this section, please send details to Lies Wesseling ( A brief summary of its aims and general content, along with open access policy, would be helpful.


Libri & Liberi
Editor: Smiljana Narančić Kovač (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based


Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics
Editor: Tatjana Kielland Samoilow (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees


Literatuur zonder leeftijd
Editor: Toin Duijx (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based


ALAN Review (Assembly on Literature for Adolescents)
Editor: Wendy Glenn (
Open Access Policy: Blue; author can archive publisher's version/PDF

Editor: Björn Sundmark (
Open Access Policy: Green; archiving status unknown for publisher's version/PDF

Books for Keeps
Editor: Ferelith Hordon (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
Editor: Deborah Stevenson (
Open Access Policy: Green; archiving status unknown for publisher's version/PDF

Carousel: The Guide to Children's Books
Editors: David Chant and Elaine Chant (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Children's Literature Association Quarterly
Editor: Claudia Nelson (
Open Access Policy: Green; archiving status unknown for publisher's version/PDF

Children's Literature in Education
Editors: Victoria de Rijke (; Catherine Butler (; Annette Wannamaker (
Open Access Policy: Green; author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF

Children's Literature in English Language Education
Editors: Janice Bland (; Christiane Lütge; Sandie Mourão
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Dziecinstwo: Literatura i Kultura / Childhood: Literature and Culture
Editor: Weronika Kostecka (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Filoteknos. Children’s Literature – Cultural Mediation – Anthropology of Childhood
Editors: Editors: Dorota Michułka, Mateusz Świetlicki (
Open Access Policy: Blue; author can archive publisher's version/PDF. Languages: English, Polish

Horn Book Magazine
Editor: Roger Sutton (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Inis: the Children's Books Ireland Magazine
Editors: Juliette Saumande (; Siobhán McNamara (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Editor: Marion Rana (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures
Editor: Heather Snell (
Open Access Policy: Green; author can archive publisher's version/PDF

Journal of Children's Literature
Editors: Donna Sayers Adomat (; Karla J. Möller (; Angela M. Wiseman (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Editor: Claiborne Smith (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Libri & Liberi
Editor: Smiljana Narančić Kovač (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

The Lion and the Unicorn
Editors: David L. Russell (; Karin E. Westman (; Naomi J. Wood (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

The Looking-Glass: An Online Children's Literature Journal
Editor: David Beagley (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Editor: Rayma Turton (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Marvels and Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies
Editors: Cristina Bacchilega (; Anne E. Duggan (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship
Editor: Sally Maynard (
Open Access Policy: Yellow; author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) after 18-month embargo

Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics
Editor: Tatjana Kielland Samoilow (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Papers: Explorations into Children's Literature
Editor: Tony Eaton (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Red Feather: An International Journal of Children's Visual Culture
Editor: Debbie Olson (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

The School Librarian
Editor: Steve Hird (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

School Libraries Worldwide: Journal of The International Association of School Librarians
Editors: Nancy Everhart (; Marcia Mardis (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

School Library Connection
Editor: Leslie Preddy (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

School Library Journal
Editor: Rebecca T. Miller (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

SIGNAL Journal
Editor: Sean Connors (;
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Viewpoint: on books for young adults
Editor: Pam Macintyre (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

VOYA: Voices of Youth Advocates
Editor: RoseMary Ludt (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Write4Children: The International Journal for the Practice and Theories of Writing for Children and Children's Literature
Editors: Andrew Melrose; Vanessa Harbour (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees


Cahiers Robinson
Editor: Francis Marcoin (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures
Editor: Heather Snell (
Open Access Policy: Green; author can archive publisher's version/PDF

Parole: La revue de l'institut Suisse jeunesse et médias
Editor: Cécile Desbois-Müller (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

La revue des livres pour enfants
Editor: Maire Lallouët (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Strenae: Recherches sur les livres et objets culturels de l'enfance
Editors: Cécile Boulaire; Michel Defourny; Matthieu Letourneux; Mathilde Lévêque; Michel Manson
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees


1000 und 1 Buch Das österreichische Magazin für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
Editor: Franz Lettner (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Buch & Maus
Editor: Elisabeth Eggenberger (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Editor: Marion Rana (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Editor: Ulrich H. Baselau (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Editor: Kristina Bernd (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Editor: Christoph Jantzen (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Libri & Liberi
Editor: Smiljana Narančić Kovač (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based


Diadromes Sto Choro Tis Logotechnias Gia Pedia ke Neous
Editor: Maria Fakinou (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Keimena: Gia ti Theoria, ti Kritiki kai ti Didaktiki tis Pedikis Logotechnias
Editor: Tasoula Tsilimeni (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees


Andersen: Il giornale dei libri per ragazzi
Editor: Barbara Schiaffino (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Il Foletto: la rivista in lingua italiana dell'Istituto svizzero Media e Ragazzi
Editor: Letizia Bolzani (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Editors: Domenico Bartolini (; Riccardo Pontegobbi (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based


Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics
Editor: Tatjana Kielland Samoilow (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees


Journal of Iranian Children's Literature Studies
Editor: Kavoos Hasanli (
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based


Dziecinstwo: Literatura i Kultura / Childhood: Literature and Culture
Editor: Weronika Kostecka (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees


Sociedad e Infancias
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based


CLIJ: Cuardenos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based

Sociedad e Infancias
Open Access Policy: no explicit policy; subscription-based


Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics
Editor: Tatjana Kielland Samoilow (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees

Nordic Journal of ChildLit Aesthetics
Editor: Tatjana Kielland Samoilow (
Open Access Policy: Gold open access without article processing fees