IRCL Executive Editor and Reviews Editor Positions

The terms of office of both the IRCL Executive Editor and Reviews Editor expire during 2014. Scholars (normally mid-career or beyond) who would be interested in taking up one of these positions are invited to contact either IRCL Editor John Stephens (, and/or IRSCL President Mavis Reimer ( to express interest or to seek further information. These are honorary positions – IRSCL is not able to offer remuneration – but they are intellectually and professionally rewarding positions!

IRCL Executive Editor

Role and Duties

The Executive Editor is involved in both the intellectual and administrative functions of the journal:

  • Is the primary recipient of articles submitted to IRCL; acknowledges receipt of submitted articles
  • Deals with correspondence from contributors and would-be contributors
  • Reads submitted articles and works in consultation with the Editor to determine whether such an article is suitable for the journal and ready to be sent out to readers; conveys decision to author
  • Works in consultation with the Editor to identify appropriate expert readers for submitted work
  • Approaches proposed readers with an invitation to act for the journal
  • Works in consultation with the Editor to reach a decision as to publication/revision/rejection after readers’ reports have been received; sends readers’ reports to author (possibly in an edited or summarised form)
  • Works in consultation with the Editor to determine whether a paper has been revised satisfactorily
  • Works in conjunction with a copy-editor to prepare articles for publication
  • Sends copy-edited articles to contributors for checking and any final changes
  • Incorporates reviews sent from the Reviews Editor (sends to copy-editor)
  • Despatches assembled collection to the publisher (EUP) by 1 April and 1 September each year
  • Completes the Typescript Delivery Coversheet to despatch with the assembled articles
  • Sends a Copyright Assignment Form to each contributor
  • Coordinates page proof corrections (in conjunction with the Editor) and returns pages for correction to EUP

Other duties:

  • Consults with the publishing team at EUP once a year (either by personal visit or phone hook-up)
  • Performs other tasks related to the running of the journal which may come up from time to time
  • The journal has established a strong editing and mentoring tradition to assist contributors from NESB backgrounds to present their work at the highest level (these processes usually occur before articles are sent to readers). These tasks are principally performed by the Editor, but the Executive Editor may play a substantial role if s/he desires.
  • The Executive Editor may act proactively to invite possible contributors to submit work to the journal, and may, in consultation with the Editor, commission special articles.

The Editor may assist the Executive Editor with any of the above duties when this is needful and appropriate.

IRCL Reviews Editor

Role and Duties

  • To receive books sent from publishers, identify appropriate reviewers, and mail books for review to them (IRCL normally publishes 16 reviews per annum [8 in each issue])
  • To ensure that reviews submitted are of an appropriate scholarly style and standard; to suggest revisions where necessary
  • From time to time to mentor less experienced reviewers to help them achieve an appropriate level
  • To maintain a pool of reviewers
  • In February and in July each year, to deliver to the Executive Editor (Cc. to Editor) eight reviews ready for copy editing
  • To supply reviews for the Reviews section of the IRSCL website (longer reviews, less formal reviews, second reviews of a work already reviewed in IRCL, etc.)

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