CFP - Electronic Literature: Texts, Readers and Teaching Practices

Electronic Literature: Texts, Readers and Teaching Practices
3-4 October 2014
Casa de Convalescència – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Electronic literature is introducing significant changes in current book production for children and teenagers. These changes should not be ignored by education communities, as they not only have a direct impact on readers’ uses but raise specific challenges for literary pedagogy.

In the framework of this growing phenomenon, Grupo de Investigación en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil y Educación Literaria (GRETEL) research group has been exploring the constructive mechanisms of digital works and their reception by children and young readers, as well as didactic actions arising at the intersection between ICT and literary education.

The layout and features of these products, their affordances, their implied reader, children’s and teenagers’ specific responses to digital fiction, family and school practices related to it and the impact of this new reality on the classroom - in terms of teaching programs and pedagogical planning - are nuclear issues of a topic located at the epicenter of an emerging research field: electronic reading.

For these reasons, GRETEL is organizing an International Symposium to showcase research results in this field, as well as to share specific intervention tools and strategies to improve teaching.


  • To present and discuss features and different analyses of current electronic production for children and young adults.
  • To present and discuss recent education research advances in terms of reading uses and children’s interpretative processes using digital devices,both in classrooms and outside school contexts.
  • To share experiences and teaching practices using digital devices or digital literature in different educational levels to enhance literary education.
  • To promote research on electronic literature, its impact on readers and its uses in classrooms, as well as its effects in the development of a readingitinerary.

Therefore, we invite you to submit a paper proposal for a maximum of 20 minutes on one of these topics:

  • Current electronic literary production for children and teenagers: types, characteristics and literary learning possibilities.
  • Reading electronic literary works: uses and interpretative processes in different situations and educational levels.
  • Teaching-learning experiences including digital literature and new technologies to develop literary education.

Catalan, Spanish and English will be the Symposium languages. Spanish‐ English translation services will be provided. Please email an abstract of 1,500 to a max. of 3,000 characters and a short resumé with your contact details (name, institution, position, CV, address, phone, paper title and paper brief summary) as two attached documents.

The deadline for paper proposals is 22 May 2014. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 31 May 2014. Please note that the final acceptance of proposals is subject to payment of the enrolment fee. Full papers should not exceed 20,000 characters and will be required by July 2014, as they will be included in the Symposium proceedings. Please send paper proposals to the following email:

You can also post them to:

Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
Edificio G5, Room 109
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra


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