CFP: Rethinking Childhood

International Scientific and Artistic ConferenceZadar, CroatiaSeptember 24-26, 2020Conference themeGuided by modern scientific postulates that justify the scientific dialogue between different scientific fields, whilst striving for a more comprehensive approach to a particular scientific problem, the project is conceived as an interdisciplinary scientific dialogue between the fellow scholar participants, with the goal of merging various scientific, artistic and methodological perspectives in their studies of childhood. Postmodern paradigm shift in the perception of the child and the childhood, based on the change of the childhood image - from the child as a passive to an active member of the social community; from childhood as a developmental stage to the conception of childhood as a social construct - strongly influenced the social sciences and humanities, thus leading to the need for active reflection on the child and childhood. In postmodern scientific polyphony, it is justified to discuss the concept(s) of childhood as something structured upon different scientific discourses, as confirmed by the researchers and scientists from various scientific backgrounds that lately converge around the new paradigm of childhood studies.Following the established framework, the conference will focus on the following general topics:

  • The institutional context of contemporary childhood
  • the familial context of contemporary childhood
  • the culture of childhood today
  • new literacy - the challenges of today

The presentation themes and abstracts are to be submitted via the official conference site: .The abstract, which is to be submitted in both Croatian and English, ought to emphasize the main idea and the goals of the paper, to state the methodology used, present the results, include the most important postulates and conclusion. In addition to abstract (the length of which can range from 250 to 500 words), five keywords in Croatian and English need to be included.Modes of participation: plenary session, presentations by sections, art exhibition.Official languages of the conference: Croatian and English.Important Dates:April 1, 2020: abstract submission deadlineApril 15, 2020: preliminary acceptance noticeJune 1, 220: submission deadlineJune 1, 2020: application deadline for artworksJune 15: second noticeSeptember 1, 2020: registration fee deadlineSeptember 1, 2020: submission deadline for artworkSeptember 24-26, 2020: conference durationFor more information on the conference and the CFP, please visit the website.


Editorial Assistant International Research in Children’s Literature (IRCL).


CFP: Female Creations in Literary and Intercultural Education