CFP: Female Creations in Literary and Intercultural Education

OverviewThe II CICELI faces the challenge of studying and making visible the creativity of women in formal, non-formal and informal education. Therefore, it focuses on the study of poets, playwrights or narrators whose work is included or can be included in the curricula of schools, high schools and universities, both in literature subjects as in others where the reading is presented transversally. Proposals addressing female filmmakers and artists are also accepted, as well as research on fictional characters through a gender studies approach, all of which should be relevant to either compulsory schooling, higher education or educational experiences outside of regulated models. Within these themes, there is room for comparative studies or research measuring the presence of female authors and artists in literary or intercultural education in any territory, not forgetting the pedagogical impact of didactic materials, textbooks or other creative publications, such as illustrated albums or animation productions, aimed at a growing, heterogeneous audience immersed in a process of constant learning. The meeting is aligned with the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN), specifically with the Sustainable Development Goals belonging to the 'people' axis (SDGs 1-5), making "leave no one behind" our motto. Finally, we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Historia de una maestra (1990) with the opening of a topic dedicated to its author, Josefina Aldecoa (1926-2011), and including a performance, within the framework of the congress, of theatrical adaptation of this novel by Paula Llorens.KeynotesCICELI schedules plenary lectures by internationally renowned personalities such as Emmanuel Le Vagueresse (Université de Reims-Champagne Ardenne, France), Juan de Dios Villanueva Roa (Universidad de Granada, Spain), Genoveva Ponce Naranjo (Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador) o Teresa Fernández-Ulloa (University of California, Bakersfield, United States).Women writers, illustrators, playwrights and actresses will be invited, including Mar Benegas, Rocío Araya or Paula Llorens. Furthermore, the novelist and scholar Inma Chacón has also confirmed her participation.Suggested TopicsResearchers are invited to send proposals for presentations, posters and panels related to the Sustainable Development Goals 1-5 (‘people’ axis) in research or in teaching and related to the following topics:

  1. Literary genres and the development of literacy, intercultural or ecological competence from children’s to higher education, in formal or non-formal contexts.
  2. The role of the arts and literature in the promotion of educational co-education and equity or inclusion (cinema, TV series, transmedia narrative, comic, painting, sculpture...).
  3. Research on female writers and illustrators of children’s and youth literature.
  4. Equality between men and women in illustrated albums or animation productions.
  5. Studies on female protagonists or fictional characters that promote equality or that represent diversity in all its richness and complexity.
  6. Didactic proposals or experiences based on work created by women or other individuals marginalized because of disability, sexuality, race, religion, etc., from all time periods and areas.
  7. Environmental humanities and educational applications of ecocriticism and ecofeminism.
  8. Education as a literary, artistic or filmic topic from a social justice perspective.
  9. Comparative studies on equality, equity or social justice in the curriculum, in textbooks or other didactic materials.
  10. Female teachers, professors and researchers as creators of educational experiences (for children or young adults and in adult education).
  11. Approaches to the figure and work of Josefina Aldecoa.

Proposal Requirements and DeadlinePlease submit the title and abstract of your proposal (around 250 words), and a short biography (one paragraph) through this online platform before March 8th, 2020. Acceptance will be notified two weeks after the deadline.English, Spanish and Catalan are accepted languages for in-person presentations; in the case of special panels, posters and virtual presentations (*), all official EU languages are accepted. Please find more information on our website. Should you have any doubts, enquiries may be sent to*) The possibility of virtual participation is open: send now the title and summary of your contribution and specify your virtual or face-to-face participation once your proposal is accepted.For more information about the conference and CFP, please visit


CFP: Rethinking Childhood


Call for applications: Stan Memorial Travel Grant