Call for International Research in Children's Literature Executive Editor

The term of office of the International Research in Children’s Literature Executive Editor expires in 2018. Scholars (normally mid-career or beyond) who would be interested in taking up this positions are invited to contact IRCL Editor Kimberley Reynolds ( to seek further information if so desired. It is an honorary position – IRSCL is not able to offer remuneration – but it is intellectually and professionally rewarding. You will find the description of the roles and duties of the Executive Editor below.

Roles and Duties

  • Support the Senior Editor with feedback on submissions and content as required – written notes for Editor
  • Discuss with Editor content of next issue and order of articles
  • Receive copy edited and marked up articles from Copy Editor
  • Receive copy edited and marked up reviews, check copy edit
  • Check copy edit and mark-up of articles
  • Keep database of authors
  • Confirm Table of Contents with Editor and prepare for typesetter
  • Confirm end matter with Editor and prepare for typesetter
  • Prepare Delivery Sheet for Edinburgh University Press
  • Create a new Dropbox folder under Edinburgh University Press Dropbox heading for relevant issue and upload all text files as Word doc and images as jpeg
  • Let Edinburgh University Press know that upload is complete
  • Receive and check all proofs
  • Receive and take in all acceptable authors’ corrections. Where corrections are not acceptable contact authors and let them know which ones were not taken in and why.
  • Mark up all corrections and scan relevant proof pages as pdf files
  • Upload corrected files to Edinburgh University Press Dropbox folder

If you are interested in applying for this position, please provide us with:

  • A CV, including a list of publications
  • A brief letter of motivation (1 A4 at the most), stating why you think you are fit for the job

You can address your letter to:, before January 5, 2018. The Executive Editor will be selected by the executive board, following the advice of the Editor, Kim Reynolds, and the current Executive Editor, Mark MacLeod.


New ISSCL Podcast - Come Away, Oh Human Child!: The Adaptation of Adult Texts for a Child Audience


IRSCL Mentoring Program