Clarke Library’s International Children’s Literature Research Grant

Applications are welcome for the Clarke Library’s International Children’s Literature Research grant. The grant will fund travel to Central Michigan University’s Clarke Historical Library to conduct research using the International resources found in the Clarke Library’s Lucile Clarke Memorial Children’s Library. Among these resources are an extensive collection of International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) nominee books and author dossiers, as well as other children’s books from around the world. For a detailed catalog of the international children’s books found in the Clarke Library that would be available for use, visit and search the library catalog.

Innovative proposals that exploit the riches of the collection are encouraged. The object of the research may be but is not limited to studies in children’s literature. Applicants may propose using the collection’s foreign language resources in any way that would promote scholarly endeavor.

Application forms may be obtained at Applicants must be received no later than March 15, 2018.

Please note that the winning applicant must hold either a master’s or doctoral degree, or be currently enrolled in a doctoral program and must reside in the U.S. or Canada or be currently enrolled in an American or Canadian university program. The winning applicant will receive $2,000 which will be expected to cover transportation and living expenses while visiting the library. For additional information please contact the Clarke Historical Library at Please include the phrase “International Children’s Literature Research Grant” in the subject line.


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