CFP - Journal of Juvenilia Studies: Microcosms

Journal of Juvenilia Studies: Call for Papers (due date 15 November 2017)

The Journal of Juvenilia Studies (JJS) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal, published by the International Society for Literary Juvenilia (ISLJ) and hosted by the University of Alberta Libraries through their web hosting service. The JJS’s first issue will be launched at the ISLJ’s Sixth International Conference and AGM, 5-8 July 2018, which will be held at the University of Durham.

We invite papers on the 2017 conference’s theme of “Microcosms” or on any aspect of the theory and practice of juvenile artistic production, including literary juvenilia and juvenile work in other forms. Papers should be approximately 6000 words in length.

Scholars interested in considering the theme of “Microcosms” may wish to consider the following list of topics. However, this is intended to be generative, not restrictive.

  • School magazines (e.g. Microcosm, published by students at Eton) and family magazines
  • Schoolroom as microcosm of the larger world
  • Family as microcosm of the larger world
  • This little globe: family theatricals
  • Small spaces, small bodies, big ideas
  • Fragments, outlines, unfinished texts
  • Literary juvenilia as containing the adult oeuvre in embryo (or not)
  • Matters of scale and size as literary subject
  • Matters of scale and size of the material object produced by the young writer
  • Models, miniatures, maps and alternative worlds
  • Literary Juvenilia as prolepsis: feeling “the future in the instant”
  • The appeal of the small: stories about animals or “the little people”

Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscripts submitted for publication should not have been previously published elsewhere (except as lectures, conference presentations, or theses/dissertations) and should not be submitted simultaneously for publication in another journal or medium.
  • Manuscripts should use British spelling (following the OED) and should follow the style guidelines contained in the MLA Handbook, 8th edition, except as noted.
  • Manuscripts should not contain the author’s name or any identifying information.
  • Manuscripts should be in 12-point Times New Roman, with audio-visual materials, charts, and tables placed in the text at the appropriate point and not at the end.
  • The author is responsible for obtaining permission to publish all copyright materials included in the manuscript.
  • Images should be submitted as .jpg files.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted in .doc, .docx, or .rtf files to the Editor, Lesley Peterson, at

We also encourage inquiries from scholars interested in submitting book reviews.


Recent Publications by IRSCL Members


Senior Lecturer or Principal Lecturer in Children's Book Illustration at Anglia Ruskin University