CFP - New Directions in Children’s Film: Theory and Practice

Call for Proposals

Chapter proposals are requested for a proposed handbook, New Directions in Children’s Film: Theory and Practice, edited by Casie Hermansson and Janet Zepernick and under consideration with Palgrave Macmillan. While children’s film is as old as film itself, film scholarship is only recently beginning to catch up to the numerous innovations of this thriving genre. This collection aims to chart the new directions in 21st century children’s film (broadly defined), and in its study.

Initial proposals of approximately 300 words should clearly address any aspect of current children’s film, including but not limited to children in/on film; evolving genre definitions and borders; censorship and gatekeeping; influence of technologies; adaptation issues; current thematic and other preoccupations; construction and constructedness of childhood representations; pedagogical issues; the child star system; money and the children’s markets. Please also include a professional biography written in 3rd person of 100-200 words, noting credentials in this research area as relevant. Deadline for proposals: November 30, 2017, by email to: All submissions will be confirmed received by prompt email reply. Authors will be notified by December 15 about inclusion in the formal Prospectus and chapters of 6-8k words will be due in 2018. Please circulate and repost.

Dr. Casie Hermansson is a full professor of English at Pittsburg State University (KS), and a Fulbright Scholar. She is the author of Reading Feminist Intertextuality Through Bluebeard Stories (2002); Bluebeard: A Reader’s Guide to the English Tradition (2009); and A Study of Film Adaptation of James Barrie’s Story Peter Pan (2016). She is currently co-editing Where is Adaptation? (forthcoming in 2018), and completing a monograph on adaptations of children’s metafictions for Edinburgh University Press. For the K-12 education market, she is the author of How to Analyze the Films of Clint Eastwood (2012) and Parental Guidance Ratings (2013), as well as more than 20 fiction readers for Heinemann.

Dr. Janet Zepernick is associate professor of English at Pittsburg State University (KS) and has a PhD in English with an emphasis in rhetoric from the Pennsylvania State University, where she studied classical rhetoric and contemporary public discourse. She is co-editor of the collection Women and Rhetoric between the Wars (2013), and Where is Adaptation? (forthcoming in 2018). Her current work on the discursive creation and recreation of South Korea in the US public imaginary uses the idea of national “brand image” to explore the impact and consequences of various fictional adaptations of the historical and present-day realities of South Korea.


Senior Lecturer or Principal Lecturer in Children's Book Illustration at Anglia Ruskin University


CFP - Childhood and Materiality