Astrid Lindgren Foundation Research Grant

The Astrid Lindgren Foundation "Solkatten" was established in 1986. One of its aims is to ”contribute to the teaching and further education of individuals who are involved in research on children’s culture and are capable of conveying the results of their research to a larger audience.”

For this purpose the Board of Directors has established a grant intended to give researchers – ”primarily from abroad” – the opportunity "to pursue research on Swedish or Nordic literature for children and young adults." Amounting to SEK 40,000, this grant should cover costs for a research period at the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books in Stockholm, which has a research library with a large collection of theoretical literature on children’s literature (appr. 20 000 items). The Institute will provide study space and reference services and will also arrange for professional contacts with colleagues within the Department of Literature and History of Ideas at the University of Stockholm.

The Board of Directors hereby invite Professors and Research leaders at academic departments to submit nominations for eligible candidates before August 21, 2017. The recipient will be expected to make use of the grant before June 15, 2018.

The nomination should not extend two pages of text and should, besides personalia in the form of name, address etc. contain information on the candidate as to:

  • academic education, other relevant qualifications and main research interests,
  • previous research achievements (a separate bibliographical account of academic material and publications should be enclosed but books and other printed material should be submitted only at the request of the jury),
  • language proficiencies (knowledge of one Scandinavian language is a strong merit),
  • the aim of the research period in Stockholm,
  • the approximate time preferred for the utilization of the grant.

The Jury includes representatives of the Foundation, the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books, and the Department of Literature and History of Ideas at the University of Stockholm.

The appointment will be made known before September 15, 2017.


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