CFP - Research on Diversity in Youth Literature

Call for Papers for the inaugural issue of Research on Diversity in Youth Literature

Mission: The mission of Research on Diversity in Youth Literature is to publish scholarship attending to issues of diversity, equity, social justice, inclusion, and intersectionality in youth literature, culture, and media.

Research on Diversity in Youth Literature (RDYL) is a peer-reviewed, online, open-access journal hosted by St. Catherine University’s Master of Library and Information Science Program and University Library. It will be published two times a year, with the first issue to be published on June 1, 2018.

For our inaugural issue, we welcome submissions by #OwnVoices (underrepresented persons writing about topics related to their lived experiences) from all disciplines engaging with Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop’s article “Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors” (1990). Almost thirty years after its initial publication, how have youth literature and the practices surrounding it (scholarship, publishing, programming, teaching, and circulation) responded to, taken up, and/or ignored Dr. Bishop’s framework and call to action?

Please submit complete essays to co-editors Dr. Sarah Park Dahlen ( and Dr. Gabrielle Atwood Halko ( by December 1, 2017. Essays must be between 5,000-8,000 words, including notes and citations, and use APA Style.


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