CFP - Special Issue of TEXTURA: Children's and Young Adult Digital Literature: Apps, Readers and Literary Education

Call for Papers for Special Issue of TEXTURA
Children's and Young Adult Digital Literature: Apps, Readers and Literary Education
Editors: Edgar Roberto Kirchof, Neus Real, and Cristina Correro

Major changes which digital literature has been generating, as much in the production for children and young adults as in their experiences as readers, place new challenges for literary education. Educators need to know this reality deeply in order to be able to integrate it into the classroom and respond to the social and cultural changes which follow it. The academic journal TEXTURA proposes the publication of a special issue on the theme to contribute to this field, bringing forth reflection and debate. Thus, researchers from international institutions are invited to submit articles which address the following issues:

1) Digital children's and young adult literature: theory and practice.
2) Literary apps for children and young adults: distinctive features, novelties proposed and potential for literary education (with the possibility of studying specific cultural traditions, i.e., literary apps in a specific language or produced in a specific country).
3) Children's and young adult digital reading: changes, challenges and continuity.
4) Children and young adult digital literature at school: experiences with children and young adults.

The articles should contain between 30,000 and 50,000 characters in total, including spaces and compulsory elements (title, author, abstract, keywords, full text and references). Articles in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, and German are accepted. Foreign language articles should contain the English translation of the title, abstract and key words. Articles should be sent to the website of the academic journal TEXTURA: for external evaluation. Deadline: 31 October 2017. The result of external evaluation will be notified in the following two months.


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