CFP - Translation, Adaptation and Double Addressee in Children’s Literature: Reflections Converging in the City of the Alhambra

27th, 28th and 29th September 2017, University of Granada, Spain
“Translation, Adaptation and Double Addressee in Children’s Literature: Reflections Converging in the City of the Alhambra”
27, 28 and 29 September 2017
University of Granada

The Spanish National Research Association on Children’s Literature (ANILIJ) will hold its eleventh conference in September 2017 in the city of Granada. Once again, we have the pleasure to invite you to take part in the conference, which, on this occasion, will focus on translation, adaptation and double addressee in children’s literature—issues of great interest which affect both the type of literature written for children and its reception.

We have already confirmed the attendance of two of the most renowned professors and researchers in the field of translation worldwide: Riitta Oittinen, University of Tampere (Finland), and Zohar Shavit, University of Tel Aviv (Israel). Besides, we are organising other complementary activities, of a cultural and recreational nature, to complete your experience in the city of Granada during the days of the conference: round-table discussions (authors, translators and editors), readings, writing and story workshops, visit to the Alhambra, gala dinner, tastings, etc. We will keep you regularly updated about these activities on our blog as they day of the conference gets closer. As mentioned, and as done in the previous edition, we have created a blog specially focused on the event where you can consult and get to know all the details of the conference, such as the procedure for the submission of abstracts and papers, information on the keynote speakers, the members of the committees, etc. In these months, we will be updating different details on this platform, such as the final programme, recommended accommodation, scheduled activities, registration process related issues and all that information you may be interested in to make the XI ANILIJ International Conference in Granada an unforgettable experience.


The scientific aims of the conference are as follows:

  1. To gather together international and national researchers in children’s literature and the members of ANILJ/ELOS (the Galician and Portuguese association) in order to consolidate contact networks and assess teaching and research within this field in Spanish, European and overseas universities.
  2. To reflect on how the studies dealing with children’s literature influence education policies, as well as on the possibilities and restrictions they imply for teaching and research development.
  3. To analyse the current position of research on children’s literature within the general Spanish context of university research as a whole.
  4. To assess the international promotion of the activities carried out by different national research groups, and their impact and inter-connection with other groups.
  5. To share new methodological approaches applied to the translation of children’s literature.

Among others, the thematic areas of the conference include: Translation and children’s literature; Adaptations of literary works; Fiction and double addressee; Children’s literature and adaptation of illustrations; Children’s literature and gender; Children’s literature and culture; Children’s literature and didactics; etc.

To submit a paper proposal, candidates should send an abstract (150-200 words) to Cristina Álvarez at the following address:, requesting confirmation of receipt. Abstracts may be written in English or Spanish and should be accompanied by a brief bio note including the author’s personal details, affiliation and principal lines of research. Papers will be allotted 15-minute time slots to be followed by 5 minutes for questions and discussion, at the end of each session. The main language at the conference will be Spanish, but abstracts and papers may be submitted in Spanish or English.

After their presentation at the conference, the papers may be included in a bilingual volume (Spanish and English) which the Association undertakes to publish in collaboration with a prominent institution or publishing house. Please note that for this publication, authors must follow the style guidelines for the Association’s journal AILIJ, available on our website.

Abstracts (150-200 words): 30 January 2017
Confirmation of acceptance: 30 April 2017

Article submission deadline:
Spanish: 30 May
English: 30 June
Registration: 20 June

To access to the latest information on the event, please visit the blog of the conference:

If you have any queries or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at the following email:


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