CFP - Betwixt and Between: Boundaries and Peripheries in Children’s Culture

Irish Society for the Study of Children’s Literature Conference 2017
Theme: Betwixt and Between: Boundaries and Peripheries in Children’s Culture
Conference Dates: 28-29 April 2017
Venue: Dublin City University, All Hallows Campus
Keynote Speaker: Emerita Professor Máire Messenger Davies

Call for Papers
Boundaries, both physical and abstract, abound in children’s literature, as factors including age, gender and class have infuenced, and continue to limit, texts provided for children, and how and where those texts are consumed. Critical debate about the content and purpose of books, films and other media productions for young readers is ongoing, as long-established links between socialisation and children’s literature are interrogated and re-imagined to reflect changing social conditions and moral codes. Although children’s literature has moved from the margins and is now an established field of academic study, peripheries, too, persist and proliferate. Translated texts, which cross linguistic boundaries, and those produced in minority languages, such as Irish, seldom receive extensive exposure or critical attention. With the advent of digital media, the printed book is itself becoming increasingly marginalised.

Proposals are invited on the overall theme and associated topics in the context of both Irish and international literature for children, and also in relation to print and other media.

Papers in both the Irish language and English language will be most welcome. Cuirfear fáilte roimh chainteanna as Gaeilge agus as Béarla.

Possible topics include but are not confined to:

  • Subversion vs conservative bias in books and media productions for children;
  • Exile, migration and immigration in cultural productions for children;
  • Adaptations and retellings of adult texts for children;
  • Image and the visual in texts for children;
  • Crossing boundaries in film and drama for children;
  • Genre boundaries and young adult literature;
  • Anthropomorphism and children’s literature;
  • Media boundaries and children’s culture;
  • The shift from print to digital media and its implications for children’s literature and culture;
  • Translation of texts for children; and
  • Representation of the marginalised in books and media productions for children.

Proposals of 300 words maximum should be sent to the conference co-organiser, Caoimhe Nic Lochlainn at and be cced to

Subject line should read “ISSCL Proposal” to arrive no later than Monday, 16 January 2017.

For further information on the Irish Society for the Study of Children’s Literature, see


CFP - The Children's Book as Material Object


Assistant Professor in Childhood/Youth Studies at Ryerson University