CFP - Special Issue of Boyhood Studies: Contemporary Boys’ Literacies / Boys’ Literatures

Call for Papers: Contemporary Boys’ Literacies / Boys’ Literatures
Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 10, Issue 2, Fall 2017

First drafts due: January 15, 2017
Final accepted drafts due: July 1, 2017
Publication of accepted manuscripts: Fall 2017
Call for Guest (Co-)Editors*

For the Fall 2017 issue of Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, the editorial board invites original contributions to the wide and dynamic fields of contemporary boys’ literacy and boys’ literature. Especially welcomed are critical and international perspectives on current, global and digital landscapes of texts as they speak to, and are inhabited by, boys. Manuscripts focusing on boys’ reading/writing attitudes, preferences, practices, or performances, or on gender-focused/gender-critical literacy teaching practices or policy, will be considered as well. The following perspectives fall within the CFP scope but do not exhaust it:

  • Boys and multi-media/cross-media multiliteracies
  • Mobile/wifi literacies and boys’ geographies; boys’ literature in a changing landscape of e-books and e-readers; boys and/in the blogosphere
  • Understanding literacies and gender gaps
  • Boys and contemporary/emergent game literacies
  • Contemporary literacy theories and/vs contemporary gender theories
  • Boys and/in the (digital) literacy classroom
  • A/S/L/P: Texting/sexting/cyberbullying/cyberromancing and young genders/maturities
  • Affect/Script/Discourse and readerly/writerly boyhoods
  • Boys' engagement with “content” and news in times/spaces of newsfeeds, walls, timelines, YouTube, NetFlix, and multi-group chat socialities
  • Privilege, gender and textual access/opportunities in childhood and adolescence
  • Changing intersections and interfaces for boys’ literacy/literature and race, and class, and sexuality, etc.

Article Submissions

First drafts are due January 15, 2017 (Later submissions may be considered if proposals are received before this time.). Final accepted drafts are due July 1, 2017. Publication is in Fall 2017. The standard length of articles is 6,500 words, although shorter or longer manuscripts will be considered. Please follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. Authors should submit articles electronically as attachments by e-mail (Microsoft Word file or equivalent). Submit manuscripts, and any queries (e.g. with regard to guest editorship), to

* Call for Guest Editors
Boyhood Studies is also seeking one or more guest editors. Guest editors' task will be limited to the interpretation of peer reviews, overseeing of revision and decision rounds, and depending on space, the drafting of a short guest editorial intro to the issue. Accepted manuscripts will be edited in-house by professional copyeditors. Candidate guest (co-)editors will need to contact before October 15; definitive selections will be confirmed no later than November 1.

All papers will be reviewed in accordance with the journal’s peer-review policy.

Boyhood Studies is published and distributed in print and online by Berghahn Journals. Visit BHS online for further details, including submission guidelines:

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