CFP - Medievalism in Children's and YA Literature

CFP for Proposed Panel: Medievalism in Children’s and Young Adult Literature – TEMA September 23-25, 2016 Texas A&M University
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Panel co-chairs: Melissa Filbeck and Michaela Baca, Texas A&M University

Something about our medieval past continues to fascinate contemporary readers, including a readership most often associated with all that is shiny and new: children and young adults. For this panel, which will be proposed for the 2016 Texas Medieval Association (TEMA) conference, we seek papers that focus on the medieval in texts for young audiences. Some possible areas for exploration include:

  • Children’s/YA adaptations of medieval texts (including books, television, and film)
  • Medieval motifs in contemporary children’s or YA literature or film
  • The function of medievalism in children’s/YA texts
  • The impact of medievalism in children’s/YA texts on contemporary understanding of the middle ages

Abstracts of 200 words are due by March 31, 2016. Please be aware that this submission is for a panel that we intend to propose; inclusion in the panel proposal does not guarantee acceptance into the TEMA conference.


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