CFP - Special Issue of Bookbird: Children’s Literature from New Zealand, Australia and Oceania

Call for Papers
Children’s Literature from New Zealand, Australia and Oceania

Bookbird: A Journal of International Children’s Literature invites contributions for a special issue exploring Children’s Literature from New Zealand, Australia and Oceania. Topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • Local literature and global genres – is there an Oceanic Children’s Gothic? A Pasifika school story?
  • Landscape and the construction of a child’s world
  • Books and digital media in children’s lives in New Zealand, Australia and Oceania
  • Myths and legends and their adaptations
  • Indigenous cultures and national literatures
  • Children’s literature in indigenous languages
  • Children’s literature by and about migrants and refugees in New Zealand, Australia and Oceania
  • Children’s literature as pastoral in an Oceanic context
  • Settler legacies on children’s literature in New Zealand and Australia
  • New Zealand, Australian and Oceanic literature in the context of “The Global South”
  • Full papers should be submitted to the editor, Björn Sundmark (, and guest editor, Anna Jackson ( by 1 April. Please see Bookbird’s website at for full submission details. Papers which are not accepted for this issue will be considered for later issues of Bookbird.


Lecturer in English Literature at Anglia Ruskin University


CFP - Special Issue of Bookbird: “Another Children’s Literature”: Writing by Children and Youth