CFP - Shared Emotions: Children’s World & Cinema

CALL FOR Book Chapters
Shared Emotions: Children’s World & Cinema
Editors: Maria Irene Aparício, Ph.D; Dina Mendonça Ph.D

The field of Cinema and Philosophy is a growing field of research, and it has been the subject of several thematic volumes, both edited and monographs. These volumes explore the connection of Philosophy of Cinema, as well as Cinema as Philosophy and Cinema and Philosophy. Though these approaches are quite different, one can hold them as complementary intellectual efforts. The proposed volume takes the connection in a new direction by looking into the way in which we grow up with cinema. The expression growing up with cinema holds an ambiguity: growing up with Cinema means that we grow up from childhood to adolescence, to adulthood and then to the elderly stages to life with cinema and, in addition, it also means that, by seeing movies, we learn and change our way of seeing the world and life and acquire maturity in the process. This ambiguity makes cinema a privileged ground to think of different types of development, and not only interpret it as a pedagogical tool for thinking but also as a crucial tool of growth. Thus, it is reasonable to see how films are mediums for passing down knowledge to younger generations while at the same time they format their epistemological stance. Likewise, movies illustrate and recommend sets of values while valuing.

Predicted possible topics include "Perception, Knowledge and Recognition," "The Meaning of Shared Values," "Growth, Aggression and Violence" or "Laughing and Crying at the Cinema." We welcome approaches from different philosophical and film theory perspectives, as well as approaches related to other scientific areas and subjects beyond philosophy and film theory while holding philosophical and film theory insights. Also, we hope this volume will not be limited to content of reflection based on any specific period of Cinema or Philosophy, nor any specific genre, and we hope that the final product will provide a rich plural perspective of the topic. The volume will be a good contribution to the Cinema and Philosophy Studies by deepening the pedagogical and educational meaning of Cinema, while it will also contribute to the reflection on just how Cinema and Philosophy have similarly impact on attitudes and values.

Submission: Minimum 500-750 words abstracts (without bibliography) by September 26, 2015 and a short CV (for each author/co-author) to Dina Mendonça ( and Maria Irene Aparício (

Please make sure that the argument is clearly stated and that you indicate in what way it contributes for the topic.

Submission of abstract: 26 September 2015
Notification of decisions: 30 October 2015
Deadline for Chapters:14 February 2016
Redraft of Chapters: 30 May 2016
Deadline for Revised Chapters: 31 July 2016
Manuscript Submission Date:1 September 2016
Publication date: November 2016

Contact Info:
Dina Mendonça, Ph.D.
Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa, Portugal

Maria Irene Aparício, Ph.D.
Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa, Portugal


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