CFP - Myth-Making Across Boundaries

Myth-Making Across Boundaries
22-24 October 2014
Ege University, Izmir, Turkey

Every culture has its conception, interpretation, dissemination and reformulation of myths on a grand spectrum from oral and written narratives to aural and visual arts. Furthermore, myths from different cultures have similar formation mechanisms no matter how diverse social processes cultures might have undergone. The underlying motivation behind the similarity of myths, even myth-making processes, might be considered as deriving from various aspects and layers of cultural memory. Myths as one of the basic building blocks of culture are continuously rewoven into the fabric of memory.

Subjects for discussion may include, but are not limited to:

  • Comparative creation myths
  • Ancient myths and/vs. modern myths
  • Similar mythemes in various cultures
  • Unfinished/lost/fragmented mythologies
  • Communal myths
  • Mythic imagination
  • Myths and memory
  • Myths as a source of healing, sickness, destruction, unification, transgression
  • Myths as a source of teaching, remembering and forgetting
  • Ways of communicating myths
  • Problematic myths
  • Politics/ethics/ideology in myths
  • Sexuality and gender in myths
  • Language and myths
  • Utopic/dystopic myths
  • Recreating/remaking myths
  • Revisionist myths

This interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines to explore the definition, function, transmission, and formation of myths across boundaries in a wide array of formats from ancient times to the digital age.

The Programme Committee of the European Languages and Cultures Research and Application Centre (ADİKAM) of Ege University invites proposals of 250 words for talks of up to 20 minutes in length which should be emailed along with the short biography (around 100 words) to Please put the phrase “Myth-Making Paper Submission” in your subject line. Proposals for panels for 60 minutes are also welcome. If you wish to submit a panel proposal, please include the line “Myth-Making Panel Submission” in your subject line. And make sure you include the panel title/s and biographies of all your speakers in your abstract. The deadline for submission is 27/06/2014 and notification of acceptance or rejection will be emailed by or before 07/07/2014.


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