Adventures in Wonder Worlds: The Power of Literary Fantasy
International Conference
Adventures in Wonder Worlds: The Power of Literary Fantasy
5-6 December 2013
Ateneo Veneto, Venezia Campo San Fantin, 1897
For further information contact Laura Tosi,
Thursday 5th December
Ateneo Veneto, Aula Magna
14.15 Welcome
14.30 First Session
Chair: Shaul Bassi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Introductory Remarks (Laura Tosi and Peter Hunt)
Why Reading Fantasy Is Good for Your Brain (Maria Nikolajeva, University of Cambridge; read by Morag Styles)
15.15 Break
15.45 Second Session
Chair: Shaul Bassi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Italian Children’s Fantasy - A National and International Perspective (Lindsay Myers, National University of Ireland Galway)
Pinocchio and Alice. The Power of International Fantasies: National Stereotypes? (Peter Hunt, Visiting Professor, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Laura Tosi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
17.00 Discussion
Friday 6th December, Morning
Ateneo Veneto, Aula Magna
9.00 First Morning Session
Chair: Peter Hunt, Visiting Professor, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Power in/of Fantasy in the Wonder Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien and G.R.R. Martin (Anja Müller, University of Siegen)
Friend or Foe: Versions of Morgan le Fay in contemporary YA literature (Monica Santini, University of Padua)
10.15 Discussion and Break
11.00 Second Morning Session
Chair: Peter Hunt, Visiting Professor, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
The Way to Wonderland: Doors and Portals in Children’s Fantasy (Jane Suzanne Carroll, University of Roehampton)
Wild Things: Children Responding to Fantasy in Picturebooks (Morag Styles, University of Cambridge)
12.15 Discussion
Friday 6th December, Afternoon
Ateneo Veneto, Sala Tommaseo
14.00 First Afternoon Session
Chair: Alessandra Petrina, University of Padua
Imagining the world through Alice’s eyes. The adventures of Alice by L. Carroll as Bildungsroman (Alessandra Avanzini, University of Ferrara)
The Wizard of Oz: Fantasy, Technology, Ecology (Francesca Orestano, University of Milan)
15.15 Break
15.45 Second Afternoon Session
Chair: Alessandra Petrina, University of Padua
Fantasy or Playing with Reality? Russell Hoban & the Thingness of Things (Victoria de Rilke, Middlesex University)
Emotions as Empowerment in Young Adult Dystopian Fiction (Rocio Davis)
17.00 Discussion and Final Round Table
Chair: Morag Styles, University of Cambridge