Bookbird Editor(s) Required

Editor(s) required for Bookbird: a Journal of international Children’s Literature

Bookbird, Inc. the managing board of IBBY’s journal, Bookbird: a Journal of International Children’s Literature seeks an editor or editorial team to take over from the current editor whose term of office finishes with the publication of the October 2014 issue. Bookbird is a refereed journal published quarterly by IBBY (The International Board on Books for Young People), and is distributed by the Johns Hopkins University Press.

The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) is a non-profit organization which represents an international network of people from all over the world who are committed to bringing books and children together.

The Bookbird editor(s) must have the following qualifications:

  • An appropriate level of experience in editing a journal or books to publication level
  • An understanding of the publishing process and experience in working with copy editors, designers and printers
  • Evidence of a clearly defined interest in and knowledge of children’s literature in an international context. Previous experience in this area will be an advantage.
  • An excellent command of the English language and a general ability to work with foreign languages and writers whose first language is not English. Proficiency in a language other than English will be an advantage.
  • A degree in an appropriate discipline, e.g. literature, languages, children’s literature, education, childhood studies, publishing or librarianship
  • A sympathetic ability to work with and encourage authors from a wide range of cultures and different educational backgrounds
  • Excellent Information Technology skills, including access to email and other appropriate technology
  • An ability to work within and keep to deadlines
  • Commitment to the ideals of IBBY and an understanding of and empathy with the principles guiding the publication of Bookbird
  • A willingness to work closely with the board of Bookbird, Inc., the IBBY Executive Committee and the IBBY Secretariat
  • Be free to travel to designated meetings of Bookbird, Inc. and the IBBY Executive

Editorial duties include:

  • Planning the content of each issue of Bookbird
  • Sourcing and commissioning suitable articles
  • Liaising with the Bookbird review panel and overseeing the refereeing process for each article
  • Working with authors to improve their texts
  • Working with the organizations and individuals that produce additional content for the journal, i.e. reviews, ‘Focus IBBY’, etc.
  • Editing content and overseeing the copyediting and proofreading of articles and dealing with illustrations and permissions
  • Liaising with the designer and printer and generally project-managing each issue of the journal and ensuring that it appears on time
  • Working closely with and informing the board of Bookbird, Inc. on editorial-related matters
  • Promoting the overarching aims of IBBY through Bookbird

The editor(s) are required to attend Bookbird, Inc. and IBBY Executive Committee meetings twice yearly in various venues around the world. These are held in March or April at the Bologna Book Fair and in another location later in the year, usually during August or September. There is a modest budget available to cover hotel and travel expenses to these meetings.

The application deadline is August 1 2013. It is expected that the incoming editor(s) will be in place by early 2014 to prepare the first issue of 2015 (January). The contract to edit Bookbird extends for four years subject to an initial period of approval.

This is an excellent opportunity for an ambitious and creative person or persons with a strong interest in international children’s literature to acquire invaluable experience. It is not a full-time job, however, remuneration is modest and the editors will need to provide their own back-up by way of office facilities and secretarial help. The editor(s) work from their own homes or offices and may be based in any country.

Interviews for the post are likely to be conducted by Skype or telephone with a possible follow-up interview in person.

Applicants are expected to be familiar with Bookbird and with the aims of IBBY.

Expressions of interest, including a detailed CV (resumé), a statement about the applicant’s vision for Bookbird and an outline of how the applicant would manage the processes involved in producing the journal are invited from suitably qualified persons. These should be sent by email to:

Valerie Coghlan, President of Bookbird, Inc.:
Ellis Vance, Treasurer of Bookbird, Inc.:


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