CFP - Teaching Literature in English for Young Learners

We are pleased to announce the celebration of the 1st International Conference: Teaching Literature in English for Young Learners, conceived as an academic forum for students, writers, researchers, school teachers and university professors alike.

The conference will be held at the Facultat de Magisteri at the Universitat de València (Spain), on the 25-26 October 2012. Among the wide array of topics to be tackled during the conference days, we plan to devote special attention to the educational, social and practical dimensions of teaching literature in English today. In a growing English-speaking world like ours, how can literature contribute to provide the best education possible to children and adolescents? Through which novel methods and approaches could school teachers resort to literature and make the most out of their classes? How can literature in English provide an adequate knowledge of the present world by displaying its problems and, under some circumstances, advance some possible solutions?

Instructions for registration are available at the conference website: We encourage scholars, primary teachers or writers to attend it or to submit proposals on the aforementioned topics.

Registration fees: Attendance 40 € / Presentation of papers: 80 € (before 30 July 2012) 95 € (before 5 Sept)

Proposals from 300 to 500 words should be sent to before 20 June 2012. All abstracts will be peer-reviewed, and notification of acceptance will be sent before 20 July. Finally, papers accepted should be submitted by 5 September.

We suggest the following subject matters, though papers addressing the theme from other perspectives are also welcome:

  • Children’s literature in the primary classroom: methodology and practice
  • Towards the creation of a literary canon for young readers: selected works
  • Promoting cross-cultural understanding, critical thinking and intellectual exploration in children and teenagers
  • New approaches and inter-disciplinary uses of literature in English
  • The relevance of literature in the English as a Foreign Language class
  • Teaching and learning literacy skills through literary texts
  • The value of literary study in making students more discerning users and consumers of language

A selection of papers will be published as a volume in a prestigious international publication to be determined.

Papers can be submitted in English, Spanish, and Catalan.


CFP - Special Issue of interjuli: Old Age and Death in Children’s Literature


CFP - Retranslating children’s literature/La retraduction en littérature de jeunesse