NEWS: First Online Series on Translation for Children and Young Adults at NUI Galway

Starting: October 27, 2021, running monthlyRegister online: by the Athena Swann Scheme in the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies at NUI Galway, six webinars on translation for children and young adults organised by Dr. Pilar Alderete Diez (NUI Galway) will take place monthly, kicking off in October.All talks are free to attend, and are followed by a discussion and conversations will start at 6:00pm GMT and finish at 7:30pm GMT.October 27, 2021 - MS. NOEMI RISCO 24, 2011 - PROFESSOR ZOHAR SHAVIT 22, 2021 - DR. VANESSA LEONARDI 26, 2022 - DR. OWEN HARRINGTON-FERNANDEZ 23, 2022 - MR. MUIRIS O'RAGHALLAIGH 23, 2022 - PROFESSOR EMER O'SULLIVAN


CFP: Dreams


CFP: "City in a Forest"