New bibliography available

Our member Ruth Bottigheimer has recently posted a Bibliography of British Books for Children and Adolescents 1470-1770 for the use of scholars of children’s literature. The bibliography includes instructional manuals and school textbooks along with books of manners, religious instruction, and chapbooks. Ruth has also provided a brief essay on the parameters of the bibliography, explaining the types of material in the bibliography, the meaning of ‘children’ and ‘adolescents’ in the context of the bibliography, the question of successive editions, a book’s fingerprint, edition number, printruns, dating, titles, authors, printers, publishers, place of publication for early British children’s books, genre, illustrations, measurements, readership, format, location, and observations about individual books.

A bibliography like this can never be complete, and additional information from users will be incorporated on an annual basis.

The bibliography can be accessed by googling ‘Bottigheimer Bibliography’.


IRCL is coming…

