5th Conference on South African Children's and Youth Literature

18-20 September 2012
North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Invitation to attend conference and call for papers
Conference theme: Spaces, routes and (re-)discoveries in children's and youth literature

Papers on South African as well as international children's and youth literature are welcome, and should preferably link up with one or more of the following topics:

Spaces - literary space, textual space, space and genre, space and media, physical space, psychological space, abstract space, geographical space, cities, towns, rural areas, nature, land, sea, outer space, ecological issues, verbal and visual depiction of space.

Routes - to explorations of children's and youth literature, in adventure stories, to interconnectedness of things through interdisciplinary studies, to the improvement of reading, to success in writing for children and adolescents, to using children's and youth literature in improving language education, routes to values portrayed in children's literature.

(Re-)discoveries - of the power of words, of the importance of visual storytelling, of almost forgotten authors, of classic/evergreen texts, of values old and new, of South Africa in the global world.

Papers, workshops, panels and poster sessions are welcome.

As was the case with the preceding conferences, this conference is for all who are currently involved or who wish to become involved in the production (e.g. oral storytellers, writers, illustrators, translators, publishers), marketing and distribution (e.g. publishers, agents, book suppliers), mediation (e.g. educators/facilitators, parents, librarians, and the media - newspapers, radios, television) and reception of children's literature (by toddlers, children and teenagers as listeners to, or readers of children's stories, poetry, stage productions and films).

Papers may be presented in any of the official languages of South Africa. Summaries of papers which will be presented in any language other than English must be accompanied by an English summary. Simultaneous interpreting from any South African language into English will be available, but should be requested by 18th of May 2012, when sending in the abstract.

Important dates

18 May 2012: Final submission of abstract of paper (250 words) and a short CV (100 words) in Word format.
3 September 2012: Final date for registration (payment included).

Enquiries about any aspect of the conference programme can be addressed to:

Betsie van der Westhuizen
Subject Group Afrikaans and Dutch
School of Languages, Faculty of Arts
North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus
Private Bag X6001
Potchefstroom 2520
South Africa

Tel.: 27 18 2991491 (international) or 018 2991491 (South Africa)
Fax: 27 18 2991562 (international) or: 018 2991562 (South Africa)
E-mail: betsie.vanderwesthuizen@nwu.ac.za


Franci Greyling
Subject Group Creative Writing
School of Languages, Faculty of Arts
North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus
Private Bag X6001
Potchefstroom 2520
South Africa

Tel.: 27 18 2991781 (international) or 018 2991781 (South Africa)
Fax: 27 18 2991562 (international) or 018 2991562 (South Africa)
E-mail: franci.greyling@nwu.ac.za


Dolly Dlavane
School of Teacher Education (Human-oriented School Subjects)
African Languages, Faculty of Education Sciences
North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus
Private Bag X6001
Potchefstroom 2520
South Africa

Tel.: 27 18 2991817 (international) or 018 2991817 (South Africa)
Fax: 27 18 2994238 (international) or 018 2994238 (South Africa)
E-mail: dolly.dlavane@nwu.ac.za


Gerda Wittmann
Lecturer: German
School of Languages
North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus
Private Bag X6001
Potchefstroom 2520
South Africa

Tel: 27 18 2991560 (international) or 018 2991560 (South Africa)
Fax: 27 18 2991562 (international) or 018 2991562 (South Africa)
E-mail: gerda.wittmann@nwu.ac.za

Abstracts of papers must be sent via e-mail or ordinary mail to:

Gerda Wittmann
Lecturer: German
School of Languages, Faculty of Arts
North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus
Private Bag X6001
Potchefstroom 2520
South Africa

E-mail: gerda.wittmann@nwu.ac.za

MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT: http://nwu-childrenyouthliterature.co.za.


Freedom and Control in/of Children’s Literature


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