CFP: Detskie chtenia (Children's Readings: Studies in Children's Literature)

Issue no. 18 of the journal Detskie chtenia (Children’s Readings: Studies in Children's Literature).Detskie chtenia no. 18 is to be devoted to the study of poetry for children. The research focus will be the issues associated with the dynamics of the semantics and pragmatics of poetry for children:

  • How has the content of poetry addressed to children changed over time?
  • How have poets resolved aesthetic and educational issues?
  • What freedoms did children’s poets have, and what limitations did addressing children impose on their work?
  • What requirements for children’s poetry were put forward by pedagogues, and how did poets obey or evade these requirements?
  • What place and role does poetry for children have in the national history of literature and in intercultural dialogue?
  • In the oeuvre of a given author, how does the poetics of poetry for children differ from that of poetry intended for an adult audience?
  • How is adult poetry used in a children’s audience?

We propose reflecting on the following topics:

  • the development of children’s poetry and changes in literary styles;
  • genre and thematic preferences of poets who write for children;
  • children’s poetry in the service of ideology;
  • the historical poetics of poetry for children;
  • the rhythm, meter, and stanza structure of poetry for children;
  • linguistic aspects of the analysis of children’s verse;
  • translations of foreign language poetry for children;
  • discussions of verse for children in the history of Russian and foreign pedagogical and literary criticism;
  • the typology of the creative trajectories of children's poets;
  • poetry genres for children, and the evolution thereof;
  • applied poetry for children: calendar poems, the poetry of children’s matinees, etc.;
  • the poetry-writing by children.

We invite you to participate, and ask that you please inform colleagues who may be interested in these issues.In addition to articles on the issues listed above, we also welcome the submission of materials to the journal’s “Reviews” and “Conferences” sections.To visit the magazine’s website, please click here.For information on the formatting requirements for articles, please click here.Article length: up to 8 000 wordsThe deadline to submit articles is August 1, 2020.The final version of the article, after passing a double review, should be submitted by October 1.The issue will come out in December 2020.Please submit articles proposed for publication to the editorial board’s e-mail address:detskie.chtenia@gmail.comWe invite you to contribute.


Position Posting: Special Collections Librarian for the Arne Nixon Center


CFP: Children's Literature and Bildung Processes in the Age of Digitalization and Political Concern