Call for IRSCL Board Nominations

The 2019 IRSCL biennial is drawing near, and this means that there will be a new round of elections of executive board members during the general membership meeting in Stockholm. This is to invite you to nominate yourself as either a board member or as president, since Lies Wesseling's term as president will come to an end in august 2019, and some current board members will step down as well.

To warrant continuity, aspiring board members should have tenure, and some financial support from their home institutions, as they will have to attend the annual board meeting and the biennial conference wherever these take place, so a minimal requirement is that you will have some funding for this.

If you are interested in standing for the board, please send a message to Lies Wesseling ( with the following information:

  • Board member or president?
  • Name
  • Academic title
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Research expertise
  • Motivation: why do you want to join the board, what would like to achieve?
  • A photograph of yourself

The board will use these data to prepare the slate of nominations. If you want to get an idea of what these look like, please visit the members only section of the IRSCL website.

Submit your nominations by February 1, 2019.


Call for Nominations for 2019 IRSCL Book Awards


Research Director of the Center for Children’s Books at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign