Paper Call – Young People’s Cultures & Games, Gaming & Play

A Joint Session Of ARCYP And ACCUTE
At The Congress Of The Humanities And Social Sciences
Fredericton, New Brunswick
May 28-31, 2011
DEADLINE: November 15, 2010

Gaming and play culture have long been central components of childhood taking many forms across the Global North and South. The digital format dominates playtime today, but play is, and has been, a more complex set of practices in the everyday lives of young people. This session aims to explore how games, gaming, and play are tied to contemporary forms of social interaction and alternative ways of thinking and learning in the context of a dynamic media ecology that is participatory even while being shaped by an unparalleled moment of media concentration.

Possible topics may include (but are not limited to): forms of participation games and gaming engender for children and youth; forms of learning present, missing or reinforced through gaming; gaming literacies and specific forms of knowledge produced by games; barriers to entry in gaming/game communities; the role of race, gender, and sexuality in gaming cultures; post-coloniality and gaming cultures; identity, performance, and game play; the “burden” of play on children and youth; the expectations that children will learn and be socialized through play; the “right” of children and youth to play.

Following the instructions under Option # 1 at, send three documents in separate electronic files directly to by November 15, 2010: (1) a 700-word proposal or 8- to 10-page double-spaced paper, without identifying marks; (2) a 100-word abstract and 50-word biographical statement; and (3) a Proposal Submissions Information Sheet.

NOTES: You must be a current member of ARCYP or ACCUTE to submit to this session. Rejected submissions will not be moved into the general “pool” of ACCUTE submissions.

ARCYP Membership information is available at

Please feel free to print and share the PDF file of this Call for Papers, available at

Association for Research in Cultures of Young People (ARCYP)
Dept. of Humanities, PO Box B7, Vanier College, York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
Phone: (416)736-2100 ext. 60498
Fax: (416) 736-5460


Paper Call – War, Militarization & Childhood


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