New Issue of IRCL: 11.1 (July 2018)

We are excited to share that volume 11.1 (July 2018) of International Research in Children’s Literature is now available at

As Senior Editor Kimberley Reynolds writes in the editorial, the IRSCL and its journal "were founded to build links between scholars researching into writing for children and young people wherever it is taking place" (p. v). This newest volume reflects our continued efforts toward that goal, including a call for papers to help launch the new IRCL feature on African children's literature and, of course, excellent articles such as "Children, Learning and Play in the Mengxue bao (The Children's Educator, 1897–1902)."

We also welcome Haifeng Hui of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, who was appointed as an IRCL Advisor on China, and Fabiana Loparco, an independent scholar in Italy, who is our Production Assistant. We look forward to working with them and our many other advisors and members in growing our international network. To help in this effort, we encourage you to share IRCL articles widely with students and colleagues. This will not only raise awareness of the important work of our contributors but also that of the journal and IRSCL itself, ensuring that we continue as a platform for research in our field wherever it is taking place.


CFP - Becoming Latin American: Children, Education and Citizenship


Doctoral Grant in Children's Literature at the University of Antwerp