CFP - Diana Wynne Jones in 2019

Call for Papers: Diana Wynne Jones in 2019
Conference Dates: (9) 10 and 11 August 2019
Location: Watershed, Bristol, UK

Call for Papers and Other Presentations on the work of Diana Wynne Jones, on her influence and influences

Titles and abstracts are requested for papers, posters and other presentations (be imaginative! we would be interested in a game based on one of the books, a workshop to learn to sing Angel of Caprona! You are not restricted to academic papers.) We welcome discussions of fan activity and scholarship, TV and film adaptations as well as the books.

Descriptions are requested for workshop activities (which could include gaming sessions, an art class, collective singing of the Angel of Caprona, or anything else you can think of).

Please submit abstracts here by September 1, 2018.

All papers will be collected into a conference ebook for attendees at the conference. These will be the papers as delivered (with some editing) and will not compromise any decision to publish longer and more substantive versions elsewhere.


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