CFP - 2019 SHCY Conference: Encounters and Exchanges

SHCY 2019 Conference CFP: 26-28 June, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia
Conference Theme: “Encounters and Exchanges”
Proposal Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 30 May 2018

The Society for the History of Children and Youth invites proposals for panels, roundtables, workshops or papers that explore histories of children and youth from any place and in any era. We particularly encourage proposals for complete sessions, rather than individual papers, and we are particularly interested in proposals which explore a theme or idea across diverse chronological or geographical settings. We also strongly encourage panels, workshops and roundtables which propose innovative presentation styles, particularly those which show that they will promote discussion and interactive exchanges of ideas.

We also invite all proposals to consider how their work might build on the 2019 conference theme: “Encounters and Exchanges.” The theme invites reflection on the many ways in which relational interactions shape the experience and understandings of childhood and youth. Given the conference’s location, proposals might consider the significance of geography, nation, culture or place, but they could also conceptualise the theme more broadly. How do we understand personal relationships with parents, siblings and friends? How do states, schools and religious institutions interact with children and young people? How do larger forces like colonialism and empire shape the opportunities for encounters and exchanges between children across time and place? How do we encounter our own memories of childhood? How do particular theoretical frameworks or interdisciplinary studies invite deeper exploration of the conference theme?

Proposals which consider the potential of scholars of children and youth to make impactful exchanges beyond academia are also encouraged. What role can history play in developing government policy? How have/do historical experts approach the court room? What is the future of digital history, and other innovations which seek to present history in new ways and make it accessible to wider audiences? How can academic studies impact the school classroom—and vice versa? How do we write children and youth into national histories? How does history place itself in conversation with art, film and literature? What are the other exchanges and encounters you see as critical for the future of the history of children and youth?

The SHCY 2019 biannual international conference is especially focused on enabling the participation of people from across the globe, and is therefore mindful of keeping the conference costs very modest. Australian Catholic University is supporting the conference by funding some travel bursaries to assist students undertaking research degrees to attend the conference. These will be awarded based on merit and need. Please see the submission guidelines for further details.

Submission Guidelines

We will give priority to submissions of complete sessions (panels, workshops, roundtables etc.), and we encourage sessions with diverse national representation. Individual papers will also be considered, but we urge you to recruit members for complete sessions and to make use of the many networks in the history of childhood and youth, for example, H-Childhood.

Sessions will last approximately 90 minutes and, in line with the conference theme, “Encounters and Exchanges”, we particularly encourage ample discussion time. As a minimum, fifteen minutes should be reserved for audience discussion. In lieu of formal discussants, the Program Committee suggests that complete panel session organizers identify Chairs who can facilitate engagement with the session audience.

Complete Session Proposals:

In order to be considered for the program, proposals must be received no later than Wednesday, 30 May, 2018. They should include the following information:

1. Session title and 100-word session summary
2. The session organizer’s name, department, institution, address, and e-mail address
3. The following information for all participants:
–Names and roles (eg. paper-presenter and/or Chair)
–department and institution
–address and e-mail address
4. 250-word abstract for each paper (or summary of each presenter’s contribution where the session is not structured around formal individual papers)
5. 1 page CV for each participant
6. Clearly identify any participants who wish to be considered for a student travel bursary, and for those people also supply:
–The title the degree you are completing
–The institution where you are enrolled
–Any other funds available to support your conference attendance (e.g. from your institution or other travel scholarships)
–An estimate of the cost of airfares between your home city and Sydney.
7. Please state what, if any, audio-visual technology will be required for your session.

Individual Paper Proposals:

In order to be considered for the program, individual paper proposals must be received no later than Wednesday, 30 May, 2018. They should include the following information:

1. Name of presenter, institutional affiliation, address and email.
2. Title of individual paper
3. 250-word abstract of paper
4. 1 page CV for presenter
5. Clearly identify if you wish to be considered for a student travel bursary, and if so supply:
–The title the degree you are completing
–The institution where you are enrolled
–Any other funds available to support your conference attendance (e.g. from your institution or other travel scholarships)
–An estimate of the cost of airfares between your home city and Sydney.
5. Please state what, if any, audio-visual technology will be required for your paper.

Proposals should be gathered into one MS Word document and sent as an email attachment to

The Program Committee will finalize decisions no later than Wednesday, 15 August 2018 - at which time we will notify the delegates. The program schedule will be available in early 2019.

Direct queries to the Co-chairs of the program committee:
Shurlee Swain
Nell Musgrove
Tamara Myers
Kristine Moruzi


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