CFP - Special Issue of Feast: Consuming Children

Call for contributions: academic papers and creative writing

Food is a powerful and versatile force in children’s literature, standing in for familial love, sexual relationships, deprivation and excess, denial, shame and control. For Consuming Children, Feast is seeking academic papers and creative writing that explore the use of food and its significance in Children’s Literature. The editors are particularly interested in pieces that examine the tension between children as consumers and children as consumables, recognising that the figure of the child can perform as both actor and goal in food-related transactions. Taking the broadest possible definition of children’s literature/culture, they are particularly interested in papers that respond to social issues encouraging articles and creative writing on topics such as (but not limited to):

  • Empirical or archival research presenting children’s perspectives on food
  • Children as consumers of food
  • The relationship between food and the commodification of children/childhood
  • Representations of disordered eating in children’s literature/culture
  • Representations of food (in)security and inequality in children’s literature/culture
  • Representations of children’s control or lack of control over consumption
  • Food as reward/denial of food; issues of childhood and food as pleasure/punishment
  • Illustrations and other visual representations of food in children’s books

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 6PM 12 MARCH 2018 for full academic articles of 5000–6000 words or pieces of creative writing of up to 3000 words.

For further information regarding academic submissions please contact Sarah Hardstaff:

For further information regarding creative writing submissions please contact:


CFP - Sesame Street at 50 (MLA 2019)


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