Yearbook of the German Children’s Literature Research Society Now Online

The inaugural issue of the new Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung (Yearbook of the German Children’s Literature Research Society [GKJF]) is now online: It succeeds the print annual journal Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung (1995-2015) in a fundamentally revised form. As the GKJF’s response to the rapid development of digital culture(s) and reflecting its open, democratic attitude towards use of knowledge resources, the Yearbook is now published as an online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal.

Each issue has a different thematic focus. This inaugural issue addresses flight and migration in children's and youth media in their historical and current dimensions. Contributions on the thematic focus are augmented by ones with a theoretical or historical focal point. Articles are published in German or English. An Advisory Board of 18 experts, closely involved in the peer-review process, ensure the maintenance of the highest standards of research and transparency.

Book reviews make up a large proportion of the Yearbook. The (German) Bibliography of Children's and Young Adult Literature Research, compiled by the Bibliothek für Jugendbuchforschung at the Goethe University Frankfurt and previously published in the print journal, is now available online at

The editors of the Yearbook are elected every two years at the GKJF’s annual general meeting. Prof. Ute Dettmar (Goethe-University Frankfurt/M.), Prof. Gabriele von Glasenapp (Cologne University), Prof. Emer O'Sullivan (Leuphana University Lüneburg), Prof. Caroline Roeder (PH Ludwigsburg) and Prof. Ingrid Tomkowiak (Zürich University) were responsible for the redesign and relaunch the Yearbook, and for the first two issues (2017 and 2018).


In Memoriam Anne de Vries


CFP - Lewis Carroll and George MacDonald: An Influential Friendship